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As a very busy guy who always feels spread a little thin. It’s a passion project of mine to find all of the little life hacks that I can incorporate into my life to make it easier, to make me feel better, and to achieve better results. And I want to pass as many of these hacks as possible on to you!

The blog posts here are an exploration of ideas & advice I want to reiterate to myself while sharing it with you. Your comments are absolutely welcome (once I get the comments section live!).

Every body is different so of course some things may not apply to you, but before you dismiss something, I implore you to question whether that is really true, or if you would just prefer that it didn’t apply to you. Of course nothing here is meant to make you feel guilty or like you aren’t doing enough. But rather to offer insights to help you feel better!

Breathe better
leafy massage space