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Refund & Cancellation Policy


If you cancel your appointment, and can give at least 24 hours notice before the massage, we can reschedule your appointment or (if needed) I can issue a refund via your initial payment method.

If you paid online (via stripe/card), your refund may be minus the stripe fee, as stripe do not refund their fees. Their fees can be found here.

24 hours notice

In most cases you should be able to give me 24 hours notice. The more notice the better and it is greatly appreciated as it makes it easier to fill the slot!

If you are sick or have an emergency just let me know as soon as possible.

But if you have to cancel within 24 hours, and you just didn’t try to give me adequate notice then unfortunately I will have to charge you the smaller amount of: $50 or 50% of the appointment price.

I have a limited number of appointments available each week, so last minute cancellations really hurt because I can't fill the gap at such short notice

If I manage to fill your appointment slot, then I won’t charge you the cancellation fee. 🙂


Unfortunately I will have to charge you the smaller amount of: $50 or 50% of the appointment price.

No-shows hurt the most, because I can’t fill the appointment, and I spend my time getting ready for your massage.

Late to your appointment

If you're late then you will still be charged the price of the appointment you booked and the appointment will finish at its planned time.

Please double check your appointment time and the traffic, so you can be here on time.

If you’re 5 mins late then I may be able to make it up at the other end. But normally I can’t make up any more than that, and definitely can’t make any promises, as I have other appointments and things to do too.

If I cancel

If I have to cancel because I am sick or have an emergency, then we can reschedule if that works for you, otherwise I will fully refund any amount you have already paid.


The best way to contact me is email at: let me know your name and situation. Or you can also text me on 02041780923. Sometimes I can take a call, but I am often busy massaging.